The Cold Fusion Reactor v1.0 by JL Naudin
created on May 8, 2003 - JLN Labs - Last update May 8, 2003
Toutes les informations et schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial
All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial use.

The Cold Fusion Reactor ( CFR v1.0 ) is fully based on the work of the researchers Tadahiko MIZUNO and Tadayoshi OHMORI from the Hokkaido University in Japan.

The main experiment is fully detailled in the papers :
Production of Heat During Plasma Electrolysis. Mizuno, T., et al - Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. A, 2000. 39: p. 6055
<< Abstract:
 Plasma was formed on the surface of an electrode in a liquid solution when metal cathodes underwent high-voltage electrolysis. A real-time heat calibration system was designed for detecting the amount of heat generated during plasma electrolysis.
The measured heat exceeded the input power substantially, and in some cases 200% of the input power. The heat generation process depended on the conditions for electrolysis. There was no excess heat at the beginning of plasma electrolysis. However, after plasma electrolysis for a long time, a large amount of heat was generated. The reproducibility would be 100% if all factors such as temperature, voltage and duration were optimized. Based on the heat and the products, we hypothesize that some unique reaction occurs on the cathode surface. This reaction may not occur at energy levels available during electrochemical electrolysis. >>
This paper can be downloaded at the web site of the Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Anyone can register and download papers there at no cost.

Confirmation of anomalous hydrogen generation by plasma electrolysis. Mizuno, T., T. Akimoto, and T. Ohmori. in 4th Meeting of Japan CF Research Society. 2003. Iwate, Japan: Iwate University.
<< Abstract:
Direct decomposition of water is very difficult in normal conditions. Hydrogen gas is usually obtained by the electrolysis. Pyrolysis decomposition of water occurs at high temperatures, starting at ~3000ºC. As we have already reported, anomalous hydrogen is sometimes generated during plasma electrolysis. Excess hydrogen usually appears once certain difficult conditions during high temperature glow discharge electrolysis are met. Here, we show that anomalous amounts of hydrogen and oxygen gas are generated during plasma electrolysis excess gas generation, presumably from pyrolysis. This is indirect proof that exceptionally high temperatures have been achieved. (Direct measurement of the reaction temperature has proved difficult.) Continuous generation of hydrogen above levels predicted by Faraday’s law is observed when temperature, current density, input voltage and electrode surface meet certain conditions. Although only a few observations of excess hydrogen gas production have been made,
production is sometimes 80 times higher than normal Faradic electrolysis gas production. >>
This paper can be download at :

On May 7th, 2003, I have replicated successfully the Mizuno-Ohmori's Cold Fusion experiment. I have used the experimental protocol fully described by Eugene F. Mallove at : and also in the Infinite Energy Magazine Volume 4, Issue 20, 1998

<< No one has patents or may be able to get them since the effect was noticed in other forms (1916!) and reported extensively in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society, April, 1950, p.133 in an article titled ("The Anode Effect in Aqueous Electrolysis," by Herbert Kellogg of the School of Mines, Columbia University. New York >> has said Eugene F. Mallove...

1 - Cold Fusion Reactor v1.0 - Description :

The Cold Fusion Reactor v1.0 is composed of a 700 mL glass vessel filled with a 600 mL solution of Sodium Hydrogenocarbonate ( NaHCO3 ) 0.5 molar ( 0.5 M ). The Sodium Hydrogenocarbonate ( NaHCO3 ) or baking soda is commonly named in France " Bicarbonate de Soude ".

The Cathode used is a tungsten ( W ) plate 6 mm wide, 25 mm length and 0.5 mm thick. The Anode used is composed of stainless steel  mesh maintained with a stainless steel  shaft. All the wires connections are made with a 1.5 mm2 copper flexible wire gained with silicon. ( see the photo below )

The CFR is filled with 600 mL solution of Sodium Hydrogenocarbonate ( NaHCO3 ) 0.5 M

2 - Experimental test setup :

The CFR v1.0 is powered with a DC voltage through a bridge rectifier connected to an isolation transformer. The voltage input has been measured with a digital oscilloscope Fluke 123 with a Shielded Test Lead STL 120 ( 1:1, 1 Mohms/225 pF ). The current input has been measured with a current clamp CIE Model CA-60A ( Accuracy DC Amps ±1.5%, AC Amps±2% (40Hz-2kHz), AC Amps±4%(2kHz-10kHz), AC Amps±6%(10kHz-20kHz) ). The temperature has been measured with a type "K" temp probe ( NiCrNi ) connected on a VC506 digital multimeter ( -20°C to +1200 °C with an accuracy of +/- 3% ). ( see the photo above ).

3 - Tests results :

Two video recorded tests have been conducted on the Cold Fusion Reactor v1.0.

3/A - Check of the Plasma electrolysis underwater effect

When the power supply is switched on, the (W) cathode begins suddenly to glow and a very strong noise comes from the Cold Fusion Reactor. The effect begins at a voltage about 120 Volts DC. This is very impressive... The sound is very loud and the glass vessel moves on the table due to the strong vibrations.

Above, the ignition sequence of the Cold Fusion Reactor v1.0

Notes : The test duration is about 10 seconds, the water warms up quickly, the NaHCO3 solution and the cathode remain clean.

See the video of the CFR v1.0 in action

To see the video, the free downloadable RealPlayer is required
You may download free the RealPlayer 8 Basic at :

Video of the Test RUN #1

Click on the picture above to see the video ( 311 Kb )

3/B - Power Input Output measurements.

Test procedure :

1) The temperature of the NaHCO3 solution in the CFR has been set initially to 70°C.
2) The weight of the CFR v1.0 has been measured initially, it was 888 g.
3) The power supply has been switched on continuously and the Voltage/Current datas has been recorded in the Fluke 123 digital oscilloscope used as a data logger, up to a temperature of 96°C.
4) Then the weight of the CFR v1.0 has been measured, it was 882 g.

The run time has been 45.2 seconds.


The Voltage/Current datas logged give an average electrical power input of 1583 Watts during 45.2 seconds, so this gives :


The evaporated water in the CFR during the full boiling was 6 mL. We know that we need 2260 J/g to vaporize water. The temperature rise of the 600 mL was 26°C. So, this gives :

ENERGY OUTPUT = ( 6 x 2260 ) + ( 600 x 26 x 4.18 ) = 78768 Joules

Energy OUTPUT/INPUT = 78768 / 71551 = 1.10

Animated video of the CFR v1.0 in action

Power Input/Output - Test RUN #2

Click on the picture above to see the video ( 833 Kb )

Notes from Jean-Louis Naudin : The tests are very encouraging, this is only the beginning and the Cold Fusion Reactor can be greatly improved. The tests are not finished...

Interesting documents and references :

See the next tests :

The Cold Fusion Reactor CFR v1.1

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